Regulated debts


Being dual authorised and regulated by both the FCA and the SRA, J&P Credit Solutions   compliance expertise is industry leading and backed up by the rigorous application of our own internal policy for treating all customers fairly.

As a result we have become one of the leading suppliers of debt recovery solutions to the Utilities sector in recent years and based on our experience in that sector, we are becoming an increasingly important provider of debt recovery services across other regulated financial debt types.

We understand the high expectations the regulators and market players have for the recovery of regulated consumer debt and we are experienced in delivering solutions to the challenges posed by the increasingly complex regulatory framework in which we operate.

We have a strict focus on operational compliance and the complex issues of customer fairness and vulnerability.        

This level of expertise has not been achieved lightly. We have been investing heavily in our collections teams for the over two years. This period has seen;

  • The appointment of key personnel with significant experience of utilities collections including: Stephen Molden (Compliance Officer) and Nick Krauspe (Collections Performance Manager)
  • Investment in the key IT and communications technology to support compliant bulk collections of both regulated and unregulated debt types
  • The acquisition of advanced in-house data analytics capacity
  • The introduction of comprehensive training programmes for all staff in the delivery of robust, but appropriately empathetic, collections processes with due regard for vulnerability issues

To find out more about our market leading skills and expertise in regulated debt recoveries, please contact our business development team on 07732686217.